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Early Morning Son

Early Morning Son

16" x 16" x 2.25"

Regular price $1,100.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $1,100.00 USD
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16” X 16” X 2.25”

Acrylic on Canvas

 This monochromatic piece of Yellow + Black & White, reminds me of the 1982 song entitled, “The Analog Kid.” I feel like I’ve painted a picture that tells such a story. I started by taking a young boy from a photograph, who was sitting on a barstool in his home, and placed him on a bench in City Park. He looked as if he was fending something (or someone) off… so I added a playful Dalmatian wanting to play fetch with someone other than the crow. -- The title came to me as I was completing the work. I saw it as a pun, a play on words, where the word “Son” and the word “Sun” are interchangeable.

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