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The Starry Night #4

The Starry Night #4

8" x 10" x 1.5"

Regular price $0.00 USD
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8” X 10” X 1.5”

Acrylic on Canvas 

In this reimagining of Van Gogh’s The Starry Night, I treated the moon differently than I had before, giving it a hazy blue glow. And the usual light blue clouds that sit on the distant mountain ridge are patterned like striped wallpaper. With these stripes in the clouds, I was originally envisioning the basic sky as a solid blue. Yet, as I nearly finished up the detail of the painting, I felt that the sky seemed incomplete. Not wanting to duplicate the pattern in the clouds, I simply extended its black lines up through the sky. But that looked even more unfinished. So, I extended the other stripes from the clouds up through the sky and completed the starry night. Sometimes the painting dictates its own outcome.

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